Can a private investigator help with my divorce?
If you are currently going through a divorce, the use of a private investigator may be highly beneficial to you. You may never have thought about the advantages of why you should hire one for your case, however, their service could settle certain aspects of the process which may become confusing or complicated.
If you’re not sure how a private investigator could help you with a divorce settlement, here are a few reasons which may be of benefit in your particular circumstance:
1. Cheating
A private investigator may be able to assist if you suspect your partner is having an affair. Having a ‘feeling’ that something is wrong isn’t enough to make accusations in court. You will need to be aware of the type of evidence you are looking for and the type that is relevant to prove your case. This is where private investigators can help. It must be noted that private investigators can’t hack into phone conversations for example, but can trace internet conversations which may contain key information.
2. Hiding assets
There is a large number of cases where spouses are hiding valuable assets, such as houses or large amounts of money. If these assets should be split between the two of you, there is often no way of proving that you are in part ownership without evidence. A private investigator can delve deep into databases and records to find out whether there are any hidden bank accounts which should have been declared.
3. Custody battles
A large percentage of the time, the children involved in a divorce can cause a massive issue between both parties. Who should be legally allowed to take full custody of the children? Drawn out custody battles are no fun for anyone, therefore a private investigator can assist by recording secret footage. Should their behaviour have any negative impact on the children, you may have a winning case.
For more information on hiring a private investigator to assist with your divorce settlement, please contact 247 Investigations today. Or to read more blog posts for help and advice, take a read of our blog here: